• Legal Practice in Port Talbot
  • 2 Year(s) of Legal Experience
  • Registration:
  • Working Since:
  • Legal Team:
    1 professionals
  • Legal Cases:
    Up to 24
  • Rating:
  • Last Action:
    Over a week ago

About our firm

With 2 years of experience, CLARKE WILLMOTT LLP has established itself as one of the premier solicitor firms in Port Talbot. Our team of 1 solicitor highly skilled and experienced legal professionals in Port Talbot has earned us a reputation as a trusted provider of legal services.

Since our founding in 2022, we have successfully resolved up to 24 cases, positioning ourselves as one of the best solicitor firms in Port Talbot. Our solicitors, including Laura Ann Robinson, specialize in a wide range of practice areas, such as Accident and Injury, Business Premises, Company and Commercial, Crime, Dispute Resolution, Employment, Energy, Utilities and Transport, Family and Relationships, Houses, Property and Neighbours, Immigration, Media, IT and Intellectual Property, Money and Debt, Regulation and Compliance, Social Welfare, Health and Benefits, Wills, and a range of other legal specializations.

At CLARKE WILLMOTT LLP, we understand that legal issues can be stressful and overwhelming. That's why we provide our clients with clear and practical advice tailored to their individual needs. Our personalized approach has earned us positive reviews from our clients, who appreciate our attention to detail and commitment to achieving the best possible outcome for each case.

Our office is conveniently located at Room 31, Water Street Business Centre, Port Talbot, SA12 6LF, Wales and easily accessible to clients throughout Port Talbot and beyond. As a firm, we are committed to providing the highest quality legal services in Accident and Injury, Business Premises, Company and Commercial, Crime, Dispute Resolution, Employment, Energy, Utilities and Transport, Family and Relationships, Houses, Property and Neighbours, Immigration, Media, IT and Intellectual Property, Money and Debt, Regulation and Compliance, Social Welfare, Health and Benefits, Wills, and a range of other legal specializations. We invite you to learn more about our solicitors and the services we offer here on our SolicitorTree - CLARKE WILLMOTT LLP page.